Monday, April 18, 2011

I'm home

Well, it's been a long 2 years. I've had my ups and I've had my downs in France, especially trying to deal with Ulcerative Colitis, but I've survived and now I'm back home in Australia.

So medicine wise I'm down to 15mg Pred. I'm trying to get it down as low as possible with loosing bowel control. There's still bleeding, not a lot, just a tiny bit. This time around I never really got totally rid of the bleeding, except when I was on 50mg. I'm not keen to go up that high for a while at least anyway.

I've been back in Oz for 2 weeks now, so I'm hoping that the stress of the move and everything else will start to lesson as life get back to normal. This in turn I hope will make my bowel start to behave a bit better. Time will tell. Fingers crossed (again!!!).

It's funny, being back home. It's like 2 years in France never happened. You know when you come back from holiday, sometimes it hard to believe that you were ever a dream...very strange. I never thought that 2 years overseas would feel like that. I also can't believe that it went by that fast.

Don't hold your breath though if you think that now I'm home I'll stop whinging about UC. If anything I might get worse as I know the doctors and specialist know exactly what I'm saying :D


  1. Paula,

    I know exactly what you mean about the experience instantly becoming a separate and distant experience, as if it took place in a parallel lifetime.

    Maybe you will be able to find a hypnotherapist? If you do make sure they understand the difference between IBS and IBD. Maybe being back in your own culture and language, and amongst your support network you might feel a lot stronger and even go into remission.

    You have commented on my blog that you might be heading down the same route as me. Well if that happens don't be upset, there is life after that. A life that has many advantages. I'm glad that was happened to me in retrospect, despite the fact that I fought all the way to the scaffold. (Joke)

    I think I am going to get reversed though. 80% sure now.

    Be well and keep posting. We are reading.

  2. Hi Arkayeff, thanks for your words...I'm really hoping that I do get into remission within the next 6 months, but I'm now ready to accept what may happen. It's taken me 2 years to get to that thought ... so now whatever happens, well, it happens. But along the way I have learnt heaps, so maybe that's the way it is supposed to be. I'm not scared now, upset I will be, but I'll get over that a hell of a lot quicker when the time comes. I also have done some research on the getting a reconnection done so I know where I start and what could happen. But heck it's life hey and we'll all plod on :D

    Off to the GI on 10th May ...oh what fun .... and then next the dreaded colonoscopy ... oh what a life we live :D

  3. Illegitimi non carborundum. ;-{)
